In Belgium, people call it “gezond Boerenverstand”, which translates as “common farmers’ sense” and describes sensible, pragmatic thinking. “The salient characteristic of our staff here at Inex is their ‘gezond Boerenverstand’,” says Jens Corijn, who has been working for the company as an automation engineer for what are meanwhile ten years. “Each and every one of them wants to get things done and isn’t shy to take decisions.” Thanks to this positive mindset, the Belgian family firm has been reaping great success. It has a payroll of 450 and is meanwhile managed by the fourth generation. Last year, it celebrated its 125th anniversary. “We turn milk into something special,” is how Managing Director Steven Dierickx sums up the company motto. In specific terms, this means: Inex offers a broad spectrum of fresh and ESL (extended shelf life) dairy products, ranging from milk and yoghurt right through to cream. The enterprise manufactures products under its own brand and also operates a very strong co-packing business.
The Contipure AseptBloc reliably fills dairy products on a minimised footprint at the Belgian family enterprise Inex.