According to REPETCO, somewhere between 700,000 and 1.1 million tons of food packaging made of multilayer PET and PE are used each year in Western Europe alone. But unlike PET bottles, multilayer plastics are either landfilled or incinerated after a single use. The resulting loss of enormous amounts of valuable raw materials to the circular economy was completely unacceptable to REPETCO’s founders. So, the company developed a unique and patented process specifically for delaminating the different layers of multilayer plastic.
“The factory is our greatest investment, with €55 million. It is expected to create 48 direct jobs and hundreds of indirect jobs, focused on suppliers and collaborators who have already shown their confidence in the project. Our technology offers a circular-economy-based solution to a serious environmental problem that has not been solved until now,” explains Juan Carlos Sirviente, Chief Operating Officer of REPETCO.