At the transition from the conveyor to the buffering section, Krones uses a reversible free-flow conveyor that overlaps the back-up conveyor, thus preventing the containers from shaking or even falling over when passing from one conveyor to the next. The free-flow conveyor is installed at an angle of 90 degrees to the infeed. This change of direction – in conjunction with conveyors running at different speeds in the buffering section – ensures that the containers are distributed evenly over the entire width of the accumulation table, thus minimising backpressure within the container flow, which in its turn helps to avoid damage and scratching. If production stops and the Accuflow Pro’s buffering capacity is needed, the containers will have already been spaced out on the buffering section to such an extent that they only exert a low back-up pressure on each other when touching. The result is a reduced risk of bottles falling over, being damaged in the back-up, or even breaking.