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    Running through barriers

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    17. September 2024
    4:10 min.

    Instead of the hoped-for autumnal running weather, the participants in the Regensburg district run last Saturday were met with a muddy mess and persistent rain. Among the total of 2,750 runners were around 270 Krones employees. And among the 27 Krones teams registered, one stood out in particular: the “LLC-Inclusive escorted by Krones” relay team. 

    Why did it stand out? Instead of the usual ten runners, the “LLC-Inclusive escorted by Krones” relay team had double the number of people - and for good reason. Every stage was contested by a duo: a runner with cognitive disabilities, each accompanied by a Krones employee. The accompanying runners not only provided moral support and motivation, but of course also kept an eye on the athletes' safety for example when crossing the road. 

    That the team got together in the first place was the result of a chance encounter. Krones employee Reinhard Kerscher is the assistant manager of the inclusive running group of the LLC Marathon Regensburg e. V. running club. At the 2023 district run, he happened upon Executive Board member Markus Tischer and seized the opportunity for a chat: “I explained what our ‘special group’ does. Many of our runners are employed in workshops that do jobs for Krones,” he explains. “So I got the idea of generating greater awareness of the issue of inclusion and breaking down prejudices by having a separate team. We felt it was important to demonstrate that people with disabilities are just as committed and capable as everyone else.” 

    Curiosity and anticipation

    Preparations for the run began with a meeting by the lake in Regensburg, where the runners and their support runners got to know each other for the first time. The atmosphere was one of curiosity and anticipation, with the support runners especially finding it a stimulating occasion. “Most of them had no direct experience and approached the whole thing with an open mind,” Kerscher reports. “It was impressive to see just how quickly they adjusted to the new challenges and how much empathy and understanding they showed.” The support runners didn’t need any special training. Instead, the running sessions held twice a week were simply used to get to know each other better and develop a team spirit. “We weren’t bothered about getting faster, we just wanted to reach the goal safely while having fun,” Kerscher emphasises. 

    During the training phase the support runners discovered how to best support their partners. “The task is to show the athletes the way, communicate with them and look out for their safety,” Kerscher explains. “Some of the runners have autism or Down’s syndrome, for instance, so you have to learn how to respond to their individual needs.” 

    Last Saturday, the time had come: the “LLC-Inclusive escorted by Krones” relay team took to the starting line together with many other Krones teams. Subsidiaries like Steinecker from Freising and the plant in Debrecen, Hungary, also participated. A total of 270 Krones employees took part in the district run - making Krones one of the companies with the highest number of participants in this year's district run. And the results were also impressive: In the men's category, two Krones teams made it into the Top Ten: “Krones-Inhouse überholt” scored an impressive seventh place, followed by the “Krones CPM Speed” team, which came in eighth. The mixed relay team “Krones - running beyond tomorrow” achieved a strong fifth place in its class. As every year, the Executive Board once again took part in the race - and was more than satisfied with its place in midfield. In the “LLC-Inclusive escorted by Krones” team, the last runner crossed the finish line after a respectable eight hours. The group was thrilled with their team performance as if they had won the Olympics. 

    Image 41039
    Happy runners from the 27 Krones relay teams

    “It’s normal to be different”

    But the result was of secondary importance anyway, as the focus of the inclusion relay was not the competition, but the shared experience. “Running enriches the life of the runners,” says Kerscher. “They enjoy getting away from their day-to-day routines and achieving something.” For many, running has become an important part of their life that not only helps them stay physically fit, but also enables social interaction and gives them a sense of belonging. “Our message is that people with a handicap can achieve something and be a part of our society,” Kerscher emphasises. “You shouldn’t have any preconceptions about them, just give them opportunities to prove themselves. So, it would be great if more clubs and businesses opened their doors to people with disabilities.” 

    The Krones inclusion relay team is more than just a running team – it is an example of how sport can overcome barriers and bring people together, entirely in keeping with the motto: “It’s normal to be different.” Regardless of the time on the clock at the end, the athletes have already won. Because they have proven how easy it can be to overcome boundaries together.

    Image 41040
    Part of the “LLC-Inclusive escorted by Krones” relay team

    What's behind the district run

    The Landkreislauf Regensburg is an annual sporting event in which runners in teams or as individuals complete a 76-kilometre course through the Regensburg district, divided into ten stages. The 15th edition in September 2024 attracted around 2,700 participants, who competed in the categories of men's, women's and mixed relay teams as well as young people. The district run combines sporting competition with community spirit and is supported by local companies, with Krones emerging as one of the main sponsors.

    17. September 2024
    4:10 min.

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